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當前位置:> 供求商機> SCXE353.60.TPL26101-美國ASCO電磁閥報價
maintained man. operator
max. (PS) cryogenic ? uids (?) (mm) (m3/h) (l/min) ~ ~ = ~ NC - Normally closed NPT 1/8 3,2 0,3 5 0 9 7 3 7 3 10,5
- SCB263A240LT MO - - Rp 1/4 5,6 0,48 8 0 16,7 - SCE263-205LT MO - - Rp 1/4 7,1 0,6 10 0 10,5 - SCE263-209LT MO - - R
GENERAL Differential pressure See «SPECIFICATIONS» [1 bar =100 kPa] Maximum viscosity 65 cSt (mm2/s) Response time 5 - 25 ms ? uids (?)
temperature range (TS) seal materials (?) cryogenic ? uids - 196°C to + 90°C PTFE
MATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH FLUID (?) Ensure that the compatibility of the ? uids in contact
with the materials is veri? ed Body Brass Core tube Stainless steel Core
• The solenoid valves satisfy all relevant EC directives
CEE-10 • Compliance with “UL”, “CSA” and other local approvals available on request
主要用于乙烯,液化天然氣裝置,天然氣LPG LNG儲罐,
• Other pipe connections are available on request (1/4 - 3/8) • Plug with visual indication
and peak voltage suppression or with cable length of 2 m (see Solenoids, Coils & Accessories section)
3/8 5,6 0,48 8 0 16,7 - SCE263B206LT MO - - Rp 3/8 7,1 0,6 10 0 10,5 - SCE263A210LT MO - -
• Waterproof enclosure with embedded screw terminal coil according to protection class IP67,
INSTALLATION • The solenoid valves can be mounted in any position without affecting operation
hot/cold = ~= (VA) (VA) (W) (W) (C°) 230 V/50 Hz
55 23 10,5 - -20 to + 75 400425-117 - 01 78 35 16,7 - -20 to + 50 400425-217 - 01 (1) Refer to the dimensional drawings on the following page.
? ow coef? cient Kv
operating pressure differential (bar) power coil (W)
• Solenoid valves have 2 mounting holes in body • Threaded pipe connections are: B = NPT (ANSI 1.20.3);
E = Rp (ISO 7/1) • Installation/maintenance instructions are included with each valve
and plugnut Stainless steel Springs Stainless steel Seat Brass Seals Lead-clad copper Disc PTFE Shading coil Copper
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Coil insulation class F Connector Spade plug (cable Ø 6-10 mm) Connector speci? cation ISO 4400 / EN 175301-803,
form A Electrical safety IEC 335 Electrical enclosure protection Moulded IP65 (EN 60529) Standard voltages DC (=) : Contact us (Other voltages
and 60 Hz on request) AC (~) : 24V - 48V - 115V - 230V / 50 Hz
FEATURES • The solenoid valves will withstand the severe service encountered in controlling cryogenic ? uids, such as liquid oxygen (-183°C),
liquid argon (-186°C) and liquid nitrogen (-196°C)
• All valves are degreased, cleaned, tested and packed to keep them free from moisture.
In addition liquid oxygen (LOX) valves are “black light” tested to check for any hydrocarbons
• Valves do not require a minimum operating pressure
• Valve are provided with stainless steel seats
power ratings operator ambient temperature range (TS)