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深圳市微普測電子有限公司 |
—— 銷售熱線 ——
13631619401 |
* Frequency Range: 100KHz to 1GHz
* Frequency Resolution: 1Hz
* Output Accuracy: 1.5dB
* Output Range: -140dBm to 13dBm
* Programmable Interface: -148dBc/H
* SSB Phase Noise Range: IEEE488 to -124dBc/H
* Time Base Stability: 0.000002p
Key Points
* RF & Sweep w/o Level Transient
* Great ease of Operation
* Modulation Gen w/8 fixed freq
* Antenna Patterns
* Overload capabilities
* Intermodulation
* Linearity of amplifiers
* Shielding effectivness
RongeSMG 100kHz to 1000 MHz
Resolution 1Hz
Setting time <15ms
Frequency drift f <0.5*10-9+errorof reference
Reference frequency standard OCXOoscillator
Aging (after 30 daysof operation 2*10-6/year <*10-9/day
Temperature effect 2.5*10-6/
0 to 50℃ <2*10-9/℃
Input/output for external/internal referencefrequency 5 or 10 MHz,selectable
Range -140to +13dBm(SMG,)
Underrange and overrange withoutguarantee of specs -140 to +16dBm(SMG)
Character isticimpedance 50Ω
VSWR <1.5for level≤0 dBm (SMG)
Settingtime <25ms
Non-interruptinglevel setting 0 to 20 dB
Overloadprotection(maximum permissibleRF power) 50W
Spectral purity
Harmonicw <-30 dBc(SMGL:≤27dBm)
Subharmonics SMG none
Resieual AM ,rms(0.03 to 20MHz) <0.02%
Nonharmonic spurious signals at >5 kHzfrom carrier see line a in table below
Residual FM,rms0.3 to 3 kHz(CCITT) seeline b in table below
SSB phasenoise carier offset 20kHz
1Hz bandwidth,typical seeline c in table below
f< 31.25 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 MHz
a< -70 -80 -80 -80 -76 -70 -64 dBc
b< 2 1 1 1 2 4 8 Hz
c -139 -148 -142 -136 -130 -124 -118 dBc
Amplitude modulation
Modes INT,EXTAC,EXT DC,two-tone
Modulationdepth 0 to 99%
AM distortion at 1 kHz 0to 30AM <1%
AM EXT AC(DC) 10 Hz (DC) to 50 kHz
AM INT 40/150/300/400Hz/
AM INT with option SMG-B210 Hz to 100 kHz (SMG)Frequencymodulation
Modes INT,EXT AC,EXTDC,two-tone
f< 31.25 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 MHz
Max,dev. 200 50 100 200 400 800 1600 kHz
FM eistortion at 1 kHz and 50%of maximum deviation <0.5%(typ.0.%)
Modulation frequency
FMEXT AC(DC) 10 Hz(DC) to 100kHz
FMINT 40/150/300/400Hz/1/3/6/15kHz±3%
FM INT with option SMG-B2 10 Hz to 100 kHz
Frequency irift with FM DC,carrier frequency offset whenswitching on FM DC for fcarrier ≥31.25 MHz 1%of deviation +1*10^-6*fcarrier
Modulation INT,EXTAC,two-tone
f< 31.25 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 MHz
Max,dev. 20 5 10 20 40 80 160 rad
Phase modulation distortion at 1kHz and 50% of max.deviation <0.5%(typ.0.1%)
Modulation frequency
фMEXT 10 Hz to 10 kHz
фM INT 40/150/300/400/Hz/1/3/6kHz±3%
фM INT with option SMG-B2 10Hz to 10 kHz
Pulse modulation
Mode external
On/offration >70dB (TYP.>80 dB)
Rise/fall tiome(10/90%) f>200MHz typ.20ns
Pulse repetition frequency 0 to 10 MHz
Modulation signal TTLLevels
AF Synthesizer(option SMG-B2)
Frequnecy 10 Hz to100 kHz
Readout 3 digits
Frequency drift <4*10^5
Level error at 1kHz <3%(typ.0.03%)
Phase-continuous frequency change,responsetime betwween setting command and frequency change <10ms
RF sweep,AF sweep(AF sweep with option SMG-B2) digitalstart-stop sweepin discrete steps
Modes automaticfollowing ramp function,single-shot,manual control via spinwheel,linear or logarithmic
Sweep range user=selectable over entirefrequency range
Step size user-seletable
Time perstep 10 ms to 10s
X output(with option SMG-B3)
Xoutput 0 to 10v
staircase ramp,max.1000 steps
Remote control IEC625-1(IEEE488)
Ordering information
Power Signal Generator SMG 0801.0001.52
Reference Oscillator OCXO SMG-B1 0802.0005.02
AF Synthexizer SMG-B2 0802.0405.02
X Output SMG-B3 0801.9609.02
深圳市微普測電子有限公司 陳丙州-